Online Giving

Help Support Alafia River State Park

Your Much Appreciated Help Goes a Long Way

Friends of Alafia relies upon the continued generosity of our community's individual and corporate based contributors. We welcome your support in any amount and securely process donations via PayPal.  Once redirected to PayPal, you can also donate with your credit or debit card.

If you have not yet joined, we recommend to apply your first donation towards becoming a member.


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Donor information

Information required for receipt and IRS tax deduction. Provide company name and job title if donating as a business.

Donation Information


Have a Donation Question?

Should you have questions about donation options and would like to reach out to a Friends of Alafia representative, please get in touch.

Friends of Alafia

Friends of Alafia is a nonprofit Citizen Support Organization (CSO) established to protect, preserve, and support Alafia River State Park.